Sunday, March 16, 2008

I Will Rock You

This was an incredible week for me. Monday morning we drove 4 hours with our class instructors to a place called Wanaka. We had a camp site right on a beautiful lake. In the evenings it would get really windy and the lake would form mini waves to make it look like the ocean. At night the sky was so clear we could see millions of stars. The Milky Way Galaxy was vibrant as well as some other galaxy clusters. We could see Orion’s Belt except it’s upside down here. The second night I slept outside beneath the stars and had the most peaceful sleep.

During the day we went out rock climbing. On Day 2 it kept switching back and forth between rain and sunshine literally every ½ an hour or so. Since New Zealand is a long skinny island surrounded by water the weather changes quickly. It would start to rain so I put all my warm rain gear on and about 5 minutes later the sun would be out and I'd take my gear off just to put it on after another 15 mintues. It was funny.
Day 3 we were out climbing as the sun was rising. It was miraculous. I really enjoy rock climbing and the scenery provided made it even better. I climbed this giant cliff called Tombstone. Once I made it to the top I clipped into a safety line and off of my belayer to just sit there until the next climber came up. It was such a peaceful feeling to be on top of a 50 foot cliff that I had just climbed.

I guess Utah has some of the best climbing and I have never taken advantage of it. Luckily I made some friends here who have gear back home so as long as we stay friends I've got the hook ups. It can be a pretty expensive hobby. I will say that the most essential of climbing gear equipment is a good pair of climbing shoes. I guess a rope, harness and a belayer would be good too, but man those climbing shoes make a huge difference.


Andy Porter said...

You must be on the internet right now
because I keep seeing your comments popping up. I love the pictures. That looks like a blast!! Hopefully you'll still want to come home next month. I don't know-it seems like you are having too much fun.
We'll think of you during our Easter egg hunts. We miss you!!!

Marcindra LaPriel said...


Hannah said...

Yeah, I went rock climbing at the Quarry once. I'm pretty hard core too.

Valerie said...

You adventures never end and I love hearing about them. Rock climbing is so much fun I have a great scar to prove it and since the last two comments have had a theme, I feel compelled to say, "Yeah, I'm freakin' hard core too!"

Bullock said...

Abs. You "rock" my world. Bwa ha ha.

I AM PECULIAR (this is a permanent post. If you have already read it, scroll down to see my latest)

Those of you who read my blog could probably make a list of all the reasons that you think I am a bit peculiar. No worries, I would be the first to shout an amen to everything you could think of. I know I’m peculiar; but let me tell you the number one thing on my list that I think makes me a peculiar person.

I know where I come from, why I am here and where I am going. I am a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Some of you will know me as a “Mormon” although that is just a nickname. The word ‘Saint’ just means ‘member’ in this context. I believe in God the Eternal Father, that I am a daughter of God, and that He loves me and wants me to be happy. I believe in my Savior Jesus Christ who lived a perfect life, atoned for my sins, died and was resurrected all that I might enjoy the blessing of being forgiven of my sins, and having my body and spirit reunited after death. I know that just as God called prophets in the Old and New Testament times that He has in fact called a prophet to lead and guide us today. I believe that families can live together for eternity; death does not have to be the end of our relationships with the ones we love. Some of you may wonder how on earth I can know these things. As I learn more and more from the Bible and other scriptures and actually live what I learn I see the promises the Lord has made being fulfilled in my life, and I feel the Holy Spirit bear witness that these things are true.

I know, I’m peculiar, but thankfully there are over 13 million other peculiar members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and with each year that number grows. I feel so much joy and happiness in my life because of this knowledge. If you want to know more depth about anything I have said that makes me peculiar, visit This website explains in detail much of what I have just professed to believe and more.